15 noiembrie 2009

Anuntat Star Sentinel Tactics

Fabulist Games sunt nişte independenţi ce par concentraţi într-o singură persoană, care ne anunţă că dezvoltă un nou joc de strategie pentru PC, pe nume Star Sentinel Tactics. Vom juca cu comandantul unei echipe de Marines şi vom avea de-a face cu o rasă împuţită de „reptile însetate de sânge” (Dumnezeule mare!), care lansează un atac asupra galaxiei noastre dragi... Până aici, nimic de zis, e clar că studioul Fabulist Games ar trebui să mai angajeze câţiva oameni. Trecuţi de pubertate, dacă se poate. Luptele se vor desfăşura turn based, iar producătorul a avut „ideea excitantă” de a suprima CPU turn waiting. Jocul va fi compus din 28 misiuni, la fel de excitante, în care vom fi purtaţi prin locaţii deşertice sau interioare de nave aliene. Pe lângă excitanta campanie single player, Star Sentinel Tactics ne va oferi şi tools prin care vom putea crea arme, personaje, misiuni şi campanii... excitante. Jocul ar trebui să apară în prima parte a anului 2010. Screenshots din vremea lui Paşopşase şi deloc excitantele cerinţe de sistem:

System Requirements:


Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX® 9 .0 or higher

CPU 2.0 GHz


Shader Model 2.0 3D graphics card, 128 MB RAM

Sound card

2,5 GB of free hard drive space


Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX® 9 .0 or higher

CPU 2.0 GHz


Shader Model 2.0 3D graphics card, 256 MB RAM

Sound card

2,5 GB of free hard drive space

Fabulist Games Announces Star Sentinel Tactics™

London, England -- October 21, 2009 -- Fabulist Games has released the first screenshots and a trailer from their upcoming turn-based tactics game, "Star Sentinel Tactics" (www.starsentineltactics.com). Star Sentinel Tactics puts the player in control of a squad of United Alliance Marines, aka The Star Sentinels™, as they battle to prevent a race of bloodthirsty reptilians from launching a devastating attack on our Galaxy.

Star Sentinel Tactics takes the proven gameplay of turn-based tactical combat, and invigorates it with exciting new ideas like eliminating CPU turn waiting, dynamic battles and narrative-driven missions. As well as dazzling 3D graphics and line-of-sight driven by a powerful physics engine, the game offers a cast of captivating characters and creatures, and an array of explosive weaponry. Each of the 28 hand-crafted missions will offer players a unique tactical challenge, from creeping silently past patrols in a dusty desert city to providing cover for heavy assault troops as they raid an alien mothership.

As well as a compelling single player campaign, the game will ship with a full-featured suite of editing tools, which will allow players to craft their own weapons, characters, missions and even campaigns. While it may sound like an ambitious project for a medium-sized team, it has in fact been a passion project developed by just a single man. Lone developer, Philip Ings, explains: “I grew up playing these games on my 8-bit and 16-bit computers. I can't begin to imagine how some of those games were made to fit into 48K. For as long as I've been into computers, I've wanted to create one of my own that was even better. One of the things which always annoyed me was sitting there impatiently while the computer AI took its turn. I've completely eliminated that now. Turn-Based games have always had a reputation among non-fans as being boring, but they don't need to be. With a gripping plot, dynamic battles, lots of explosive weapons and gadgets, and removing all the waiting, they can be as thrilling as any genre. You have to stay true to the tenets of turn-based gameplay though, or you take away the heart and soul of the game. I don't do things like real-time/turn-based hybrids or simultaneous turns. This is unashamedly turn-based tactics like all the old favourites. It's just bigger and more exciting.”

Star Sentinel Tactics is scheduled for a Q1 2010 release.

1 comentarii:

black spunea...

Deja alt joc aruncat pe piata doar ca sa fie. In camparatie cu command and conquer 4 tiberium twilight e un nimik. Nici nu ma voi kinui sa il iau

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