29 noiembrie 2009

Windows 7 Boot Error: Code 5 Fixed

Daca vreti sa instalati Windows 7 RC1 sau orice alt build si va da eroarea: code 5 la bootare de pe DVD/USB urmati instructiunile de mai jos:

1. Bootati un DVD de Windows Vista
2. In meniu la Windows Vista dati REPAIR YOUR COMPUTER
3. Apoi dati NEXT, si Command Prompt
4. Scoateti discul de Windows Vista si bagati discul de Windows 7
5. Scrieti diskpart
6. Apoi scrieti list volume
7. Vedeti ce litera are alocata unitatea optica
8. Scrieti exit
9. Scrieti D: (D-fiind litera unitatii optice in care aveti DVD-ul)
10. Apoi scrieti: cd sources
11. Iar apoi: setup.exe
12. Urmati normal instalarea de la Windows 7

Securitate Pe Net

Cum sa te feresti de virusi si cum ii poti invinge

Din pacate acolo unde exista intelepti exista si nebuni,oameni care fac rau numai din placerea de a face,
fara nici un interes material sau de alta natura.Categoria mentionata este mare,eu o sa mentionez numai un exemplu,
un incident nefericit.Putin inainte de a scrie acest articol,mai precis cu o zi inainte,am folosit motorul de cautare de
la un anume top pentru a descarca un program.Dupa aspectul dubios al site-ului mi-am dat seama imediat ca am de-a face
cu un virus,dar mi-am pus nadejdea in masurile de securitate excelente pe care le am impotriva oricarui tip de atac.
Asa ca am descarcat programul si l-am rulat.Antivirusul nu a dat nici un semn de viata.Mi-am continuat lucrul mai departe.
Nimic.Poate m-am inselat,mi-am zis.Am inchis computerul si m-am culcat.A doua zi i-am dat drumul.Dezastru.Ecran negru.
Hardul putea sa faca concurenta celui mai nenorocit tractor african.Am intrat pe Safe Mode.Acelasi lucru.
Am intrat in binecuvantatul sistem de operare MSDOS,pe care nu il voi mai critica niciodata.
Am vrut sa vad continutul fisierelor "win.ini","system.ini","autoexec.bat".Am gasit ceea ce cautam.In fisierul "system.ini"
la linia "shell" era ceva de genul:

shell=Explorer.exe gkgflllgg.exe

Am sters toata linia pana la semnul egal.Am cautat programul gkgfllgg.exe si l-am sters.Nici un rezultat.
Dupa doua ore de investigatii si dupa ce mi-am epuizat toata gama de injuraturi am izolat toate fisierele infectate si
le-am sters.Nimic.Nu puteam sa intru in Windows deci nu aveam acces la registrii.
Am reinstalat Windowsul dar am pierdut 100MB de pe hard plus niste informatii pe care nu doream sa le pierd.
De aceea vreau sa va dau cateva sfaturi foarte utile privind propria securitate pe Net.

1)Nu va incredeti in nici un antivirus indiferent de upgrade,zilnic apar peste 12000 virusi din ce in ce mai "duri'.

2)Nu descarcati nici un program de carding,hack,nuke,dial-up de pe site-urile romanesti prezente in top100.
Nici nu merita sa vizionati acele site-uri care va promit orice fara nici un efort.
Daca totusi o faceti,inspectati cu atentie site-ul.Daca nu mai contine link-uri la alte pagini,adrese de mail sau
explicatii plauzibile,daca conditioneaza vizionarea lor de votul dvs in top100 plecati imediat.

3)Cei care promoveaza site-uri ilegale,pornografice,in care se gasesc numere de carti de credit si alte lucruri care va atrag ,
si va ofera programe cu pretentia ca puteti rezolva orice problema cu ele se inseala iar dvs sunteti cei pacaliti.

4)Programele care pretind ca listeaza toate conturile celor conectati la internet numai introducand IP-ul serverului
sunt virusi sau troieni.Exemple de astfel de programe virusate,incarate de mine din simpla curiozitate pentrua vedea
pana unde merge magaria, prostia si lipsa de judecata a unora sunt:Iris.exe,dial_up_sniffer.exe,infiltrator.exe.
Aceste programe sunt gazduite de siteuri formate dintr-o singura pagina si care au foarte multe voturi in top100.

Cand rulati un program si apare o caseta de dialog de genul "cannot find blabla.dll" sunt 90% sanse sa fie virus.
Nu iesiti din windows,stergeti linia "shell" din "system.ini",sa ramana ceva de genul "shell=Explorer.exe",
stregeti toata linia "run" din fisierul "win.ini",sa ramana numai "run=",afisati continutul fisierului "autoexec.bat"
si inspectati continutul apoi vedeti calea "c:/windows/start menu/programs/startup" si stregeti tot ce va pare suspect,
adica ce nu ati avut inainte.Apoi tastati "regedit" si stregeti CLSID-urile suspecte.

Asa ca mare atentie pe ce site-uri intrati si ce downloadati.SUCCESC

How To Boot Xp Faster (updated)

First of all, this tweak only apply to those who only have one HDD on their primary IDE channel (nothing else on device 0 or 1) and a CD-ROM and/or DVD-ROM on the secondary IDE channel. Each time you boot Windows XP, there's an updated file called NTOSBOOT-*.pf who appears in your prefetch directory (%SystemRoot%Prefetch) and there's no need to erease any other files as the new prefetch option in XP really improves loading time of installed programs. We only want WindowsXP to boot faster and not decrease its performance. Thanks to Rod Cahoon (for the prefetch automation process...with a minor change of mine) and Zeb for the IDE Channel tweak as those two tricks, coupled together with a little modification, result in an EXTREMELY fast bootup:

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:windowsprefetch tosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:
2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".
3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.
4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".
5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.
6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".
7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"
8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".
9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device 0 or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".
10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.
11. Reboot your computer.

WindowsXP should now boot REALLY faster.

Making Firefox 150% Faster

Tips & Tricks that can help you to double the speed of Firefox.

1. Type about:config in the address bar and then press Enter.

2. In the filter search bar type network.http.pipelining. Be sure the value field is set true,if not double-click to set true. HTTP is the application-layer protocol that most web pages are transferred with. In HTTP 1.1, multiple requests can be sent before any responses are received. This is known as pipelining. Pipelining reduces page loading times, but not all servers support it.

3. Go back to the filter search bar and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Double-click this option and set its value to 8.

4. In the filter search bar and type network.http.proxy.pipelining. Once opened doubleclick on it and set it to true.

5. In IPv6-capable DNS servers, an IPv4 address may be returned when an IPv6 address is requested. It is possible for Mozilla to recover from this misinformation, but a significant delay is introduced.
Type network.dns.disableIPv6 in the filter search bar and set this option to true by double clicking on it.

This preference controls if the application will interrupt parsing a page to respond to UI events. It does not exist by default. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Boolean from the pop-up menu. Then:
A. Enter content.interrupt.parsing in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK
B. When prompted to choose the value for the new boolean, select true and click OK.

7. Rather than wait until a page has completely downloaded to display it to the user, Mozilla applications will regularly render what has been received to that point. This option controls the maximum amount of time the application will be unresponsive while rendering pages. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter content.max.tokenizing.time in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 2333333 and click OK.

This option sets the minimum amount of time to wait between reflows. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Type content.notify.interval in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 849999 and click OK.

A. This option sets if to reflow pages at an interval any higher than that specified by content.notify.interval. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Boolean from the pop-up menu.
B. Type content.notify.ontimer in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK.
C. You will be prompted to choose the value for the new boolean. Select true and click OK.

10. Notify Backoffcount
This option controls the maximum number of times the content will do timer-based reflows. After this number has been reached, the page will only reflow once it is finished downloading. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter content.notify.backoffcount in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 5 and click OK.

You can interact with a loading page when content.interrupt.parsing is set to true. When a page is loading, the application has two modes: a high frequency interrupt mode and a low frequency interrupt mode. The first one interrupts the parser more frequently to allow for greater UI responsiveness during page load.
The low frequency interrupt mode interrupts the parser less frequently to allow for quicker page load. The application enters high frequency interrupt mode when you move the mouse or type on the keyboard and switch back to low frequency mode when you had no activity for a certain amount of time. This preference controls that amount of time. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter content.switch.threshold in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 849999 and click OK.

Mozilla applications render web pages incrementally, they display what’s been received
of a page before the entire page has been downloaded. Since the start of a web page
normally doesn’t have much useful information to display, Mozilla applications will wait
a short interval before first rendering a page. This preference controls that interval. Rightclick (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.
A. Enter nglayout.initialpaint.delay in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 0 and click OK.

How do I overburn a CD with Nero

How do I overburn a CD with Nero?

Start Nero

From the action-bar select File and select Preferences.

In the Preferences window, select Expert Features(1) and check the Enable overburn disc-at-once(2).

Choose a Maximum CD Length(3) and click OK(4) (*82:59:59 is the maximum value I suggest, but as you can see from the screen capture above I have set mine significantly higher. The reason is because I frequently use 99min 850 MB CD media).

For a more accurate test you can use a nero tool called nero speed test to see how much a specific CD is capable of being overburned . get it here

From the action-bar select File and select Write CD.

A window will appear when you have exceeded expected length, click OK to start the overburn copy.

Remember to set disk to burn Disc at Once, you cannot overburn in Track at Once Mode.

Have Notepad In Send To

Many apply a registry tweak to have notepad as an option for unknown file types. We frequently see such files which are actually just text, but named with some odd file-extension. And then, some suspicious files which we want to make sure what the contents are. Well, in such cases where the registry tweak is applied, the downside happens to be that even some known files get associated with notepad - but no, all we want is to be able to open a file with notepad - the association part in such cases is unwanted interference. Also, notepad becomes a permanent fixture on the right-click menu - which is again an annoyance.

So what we do, is to have notepad as an option in the Send-To options, of the right-click menu in explorer. It fulfils the purpose to perfection (atleast, in my case). Here's what we do:

1. right-click desktop, choose "New >> Shortcut"
2. Type the location of the item - "notepad" - (that's all, no need to give path)
3. Next >> type name for shortcut - "Edit with Notepad"
4. Click finish
5. Now right-click this shortcut on the desktop, and choose properties.
6. Confirm that the "target" and "start in" fields are using variables - "%windir%\system32\notepad.exe" - (absolute paths will be problematic if you use this .LNK on machines other than your own)
7. Now, browse to "%UserProfile%\SendTo" in explorer (which means "C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\SendTo\" folder)
8. And copy the "Edit with Notepad.lnk" file which you already created, to that folder.
9. So now, you can right-click on ANY file-type, and be offered an option to open with notepad, from the SendTo sub-menu.

So now, you just right-click on an .nfo or .eml or .diz file (which are associated with other programs, and are sometimes just plain-text files), and choose "Send To >> Edit with Notepad" and it will open in notepad!
No more botheration of applying registry tweaks for something as simple as this.

Cracking notepad

Nu va deranjeaza atunci cand deschideti un fisier mai mare de 100k in notepad,si apare
mesajul "the file is too large for notepad to open......."????.Haideti sa scapam de acest mesaj
si sa intram direct in Wordpad cand ne confruntam cu o astfel de siuatie.
1) avem nevoie de programul de dezasamblare w32dasm,de programul Hiew
2) cunostinte minime de assembler

-dezasamblati programul in w32dasm
-activati optiunea "string reference" si cautati sirul "the file is too large..."
-veti gasi ceva de genul "string resource ID=00052" -selectati optiunea Function submeniul Import
-cautati functia User32.messageboxA(responsabile de casetele de dialog in windows)
-dati dublu click pe ea si obtineti ceva de genul

call dword ptr [00407430] {chemarea procedurii de mesaj}
cmp eax,0000006{compara registrul eax cu adresa procedurii}
jne 00402E19 {daca eax nu este egal cu 0000006 .atunci iese din program pentru ca sunt doua optiuni
la selectarea lui OK se deschide Wordpad iar altfel iese.
Celelalte instructiuni nu mai conteza
- -selectati cu mouse-ul intstructiunile call si jne si notati adresa lor de ofset
-inchideti w32dasm

-deschideti Hiew "hiew notepad.exe"
-selectati F4 optiunea decode
-F5 si scrieti 2161 {adresa primului numar de offset (gasit pentru cmp)}
-F3 scrieti 404840484048
-F9 pentru a valida introducerea
-F5,scrieti numarul pentru jne care este 216A
-F3,scrieti 404840484048
-F9 pentru a actualiza si Gata!!!
Ce este 404840484048?
40-in hexazecimal inseamna "inc eax" adica adauga 1
48-inseamna "dec eax" adica scade 1
90 inseamna NOP adica instructiunea nula(nu face nimic)
Asi fi putut la saltul "jne" sa pun NOP dar unele programe nu accepta aceasta instructiune
asa ca am preferat sa execute un ciclu de genul "inc eax"---" dec eax"(pun 1 si apoi iau 1).

25 noiembrie 2009

Testul Lui Einstein!

1. exista 5 case fiecare de alta culoare
2. in fiecare casa locuieste o singura persoana fiecare de alta nationalitate.
3. fiecare locatar prefera o anumita bautura, fumeaza o anumita marca de tigari si detine un anumit animal de companie.
4. nici una din cele 5 persoane nu are casa de aceeasi culoare cu alta, nu bea aceeasi bautura, nu fumeaza aceeasi marca de tigari si nu detine aceeasi specie de animal.

Se dau urmatoarele:

a. britanicul locuieste in casa rosie
b. suedezul are un caine
c. danezul bea cu placere ceai
d. casa verde se afla in stanga casei albe
e. locatarul casei verzi bea cafea
f. persoana care fumeaza “Pas Mal” are o pasare
g. locatarul casei din mijloc bea lapte
h. locatarul casei galbene fumeaza “Down Hill”
i. olandezul locuieste in prima casa
j. fumatorul de “Carlbrough” locuieste langa cel care are o pisica
k. locatarul care are un cal locuieste langa cel care fumeaza “Down Hill”
l. fumatorul de “Wind Fill” bea bere
m. olandezul locuieste langa casa albastra
n. germanul fumeaza”Rustguns”
o. fumatorul de “Carlbrough” are un vecin care bea apa.

Cine are acvariul cu pesti?

Albert Einstein a conceput acest test. El sustinea ca 98% din populatia globului nu sunt in stare gaseasca rezolvarea.

Ubisoft a vandut 1,6 milioane de Assassin's Creed II

Versiunile pentru Xbox 360 şi PlayStation 3 ale lui Assassin’s Creed II pornesc ca din tun, şi Ubisoft ne anunţă cu satisfacţie maximă că a vândut în primul week-end al publicării jocului 1,6 milioane exemplare în întreaga lume, ceea ce înseamnă o creştere cu 32% în raport cu vânzările primului Assassin’s Creed, lansat în 2007 şi vândut în 8 milioane de exemplare în întreaga lume. Bravo, Ezio, Altair poate fi mândru de tine!

Comunicatul de presă



LONDON, UK - November 24, 2009 – Today Ubisoft announced record first week sales performance for its Assassin’s Creed™ II video game with 1.6 million units sold through worldwide according to internal estimates. This represents 32% growth over the first week sales of Assassin’s Creed. Launched in November 2007, Assassin’s Creed remains the fastest selling new video game intellectual property ever in the U.S.

Assassin’s Creed II has received an overwhelmingly positive reception from gamers around the world and from the video game trade press with to date an average user rating of 94% on Gamespot.com and over 91% average critics score according to GameRankings.com.

Assassin’s Creed II invites players to become Ezio, a privileged young noble in Renaissance Italy who’s been betrayed by the rival ruling families of Italy. Ezio’s subsequent quest for vengeance plunges players into a captivating and epic story that offers more variety in missions, surprising and engaging new game play elements, diverse weapons, incredible depth and lasting appeal and a profound character progression that will appeal to fans of the original Assassin’s Creed as well as entice players new to the brand.

About Ubisoft:

Ubisoft is a leading producer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment products worldwide and has grown considerably through a strong and diversified line-up of products and partnerships. Ubisoft has teams in 28 countries and distributes games in more than 55 countries around the globe. It is committed to delivering high-quality, cutting-edge video game titles to consumers. For the 2008-09 fiscal year, Ubisoft expects to generate sales in a range between 1,040 and 1,060 million Euros. To learn more, please visit www.ubisoftgroup.com.

NCsoft nu iubeşte cheater-ii

16.000 de conturi de Aion banate
NCsoft a pornit bătălia împotriva celor care se ţin de prostii pe serverele Aion şi a banat 16.000 de conturidin
Europa şi America de Nord. Ţinta ban-urilor au fost userii care foloseau bots şi cei care făceau "trafic" cu aur. Conform spuselor lui Andrew Beegle, comunity manager, acţiunea de strângere a dovezilor, care să confirme că acei useri într-adevăr au comis-o, s-a desfăşurat pe parcursul mai multor săptămâni.

"Over the last week we've been working on a list, we've been checking it twice, and today we found out who was naughty or nice. Ban Hammer Claus just came to town. When the servers come back online
, nearly 16,000 accounts will have been removed from the game

Far Cry 3 in lucru!

Far Cry 3 a fost confirmat la Games Convention 2008, dar de atunci nu am mai auzit nimic despre el. Azi descoperim că nenea Kevin Shortt, scenarist la Avatar şi angajat al Ubisoft Montreal, a acordat un interviu către Official PlayStation Magazine UK, unde a declarat că jocul arată „pretty exciting”. Mda, şi Far Cry 2 arăta exciting dar lăsa de dorit la capitolul gameplay... Nu avem alte informaţii, aşa că aşteptăm un eventual comentariu din partea editorului.

*Imaginea este extrasă din Far Cry 2

Pana si Steam stie ca este criza!

Cand am intrat pe steam,azi-dimineata,surpriza! Steam Update! Si nu orice update,unul,mai de criza! Adica acum aveti optiunile :

-Jocuri cu pretul sub 10 euro
-Jocuri cu pretul sub 5 euro

Parerea mea, este o idee foarte buna,si daca nu are omul bani de jocuri de 50 de euro(aka MW2),poate foarte usor sa isi ia unul pana in 10 sau pana in 5 euro.

Eu unul nu am de gand sa cumpar ceva,pentru ca ma chinui sa strang bani pentru MW2,asa ca nici o sansa sa cumpar altceva,cel putin anul acesta!

Opera 10.10 lansat în versiunea finală

Norvegienii de la Opera lansează versiunea cu numărul 10.10 a browser-ului cu acelaşi nume. Deşi nu au o cotă de piaţă care să reflecte potenţialul programului, cei de la Opera continuă să aducă inovaţii. Opera 10.10 include două dintre cele mai noi tehnologii dezvoltate de norvegieni.

Noua versiune de Opera include Opera Unite şi Opera Turbo . Opera Unite este tehnologia care îţi permite să partajezi şi să ai acces la fişierele prietenilor tăi şi ale altor utilizatori, direct din browser. Opera Unite nu se rezumă doar la filesharing, ci include şi alte facilităţi. Printre acestea oferă funcţii de media player şi messenger. În afară de aplicaţiile default, pot fi descărcate şi alte componente pentru Opera Unite din directorul de aplicaţii.

Opera Turbo este o facilitate care are rolul de a încărca mai rapid paginile pe conexiunile slabe la Internet. Face asta prin compresarea datelor cu ajutorul propriilor proxy servere. Mai multe informaţii despre Opera poţi afla din acest articol.

Noul Blog este lansat!

Noul Pyroman Blog,a fost lansat! Doar cu o privire poti observa,ca am evoluat!
Dupa cum vedeti am adaugat 3 panouri in partea superioara,fiecare contine ceva,ce cred eu ca ar trebui citit. In dreapta veti avea in fiecare zi un video interesant de pe youtube.
La articole puteti vede data,dar si cate comentarii sunt in acest moment,iar lista cu noile update-uri,poate continua,dar va las pe voi sa descoperiti!

22 noiembrie 2009

Vietnam Mod for World At War Released

At long last The RGN Dev team is proud to present the first public version of the multiplayer component of the Vietnam Mod for Call of Duty: World at War. The mod will take you to the Vietnam War, deep in Vietnam, where you will fight new battles between the NVA/Vietcongs and the US 1st Cavalry.

The RGN Vietnam Mod features 10 new maps in its version 1.0 release:

- mp_vm_hue
- mp_vm_hue_day
- mp_vm_hospital
- mp_vm_hospital_day
- mp_vm_firstblood
- mp_vm_maquina
- mp_vm_maichau
- mp_vm_vietcong
- mp_vm_scrap
- mp_vm_stream


- The RGN Vietnam Mod Maps above currently supports all CODWaW Stock Gametypes:

- Deathmatch
- Team Deathmatch
- Search and Destroy
- Sabotage
- Domination
- Capture the flag
- War
- King of the Hill (HeadQuarters)


- The RGN Vietnam Mod features 28 weapons in its version 1.0 release.
These weapons are:

US Cavalry:

- M16 (full auto and burst) [Assault]
- M3A1 Grease Gun [Assault]
- M1A1 Thompson [Assault]
- M14 Rifle [Rifleman]
- M1A1 Carbine [Rifleman]
- Springfield M1903[Rifleman]
- M14 XM21 [Sharpshooter]
- M40A1 [Sharpshooter]
- M60 [Support]
- Browning M1919A6 Bipod [Support]
- Winchester 1200 [Engineer]


- AK47 (Full auto and Single Shot) [Assault]
- Ppsh-41 [Assault]
- Pps-43 [Assault]
- K-50M [Special Ops]
- SKS w/AK magazine [Rifleman]
- Mosin-Nagant [Rifleman]
- Kar98k [Rifleman]
- SVD Dragunov [Sharpshooter]
- Mosin Scoped [Sharpshooter]
- RPD [Support]
- DP-28 Bipod [Support]
- M1897 Trench Gun [Engineer]

All/Admin choice:

- Colt 1911 Handgun
- 357 Magnum
- M79 "Thumper" [Admin choice]
- TT-Tokarev Handgun
- Double Barreled Shotgun [Engineer]
- Double Barreled Saw-Off Shotgun [Engineer]


- The RGN Vietnam Mod features new player models and skins for all Classes.


- The RGN Vietnam Mod uses a class selection system, it is composed of 6 classes per sides:

Assault - Light Machine guns (M16, AK47 ...)
Rifleman - Rifles, bolts & semi-auto (Kar98, SKS...)
Sharpshooter - Snipers Rifles (M21, SVD Dragunov ..)
Support - Heavy Machine guns (M60, RPD ...)
Engineer - Shotguns, M79 Grenade Launcher
S.O.G/Special Ops - Sub Machine guns with Silenced options (XM177, K50...)


- List of features in the current version 1.0:

HUD features:

- Hud ammo / warning hide handling
- Team status hud
- Crosshairs handling
- Enemy crosshairs handling
- Rank and crosshair names handling
- Death icon handler
- Hit icon handler
- Hardcore persistent minimap option
- Claymore/bettys icon handling
- Range finder function (scoped or non-scoped)
- Third person mode option

Menus features:

- Force auto assign
- Weapon lock feature
- Server info menu with player info
- Rules handling in server info
- Add server to favourite option
- Class limitation handling
- Admin Menu with multiple functions (see Notes)

Health features:

- Health bar
- Health packs
- Bleeding out
- First aid handling
- Call for medic (via quickmenu)

Weapons features:

- Firing mode on-the-fly (not for all weapons, see Notes)
- Longer smoke grenades
- Claymores added
- Signal Smoke Nades
- Grenades models per team
- Drop grenades handling
- Map turret handling
- Zoom scope function (on scoped weapon only)
- Napalm/Mortar Hardpoints Streak handling
- Perk setup handling
- Bash Melee on most weapons
- Weapon pool: Spawn pre-selected weapon on maps
- Booby traps (used when player has at least 2 grenades)

Realism features:

- Drop weapons on shoot handling
- View shift on shoot handling
- Pain/Death Sounds

Miscellaneous features:

- Server messages
- Welcome messages
- Anti-bunny hopper, and anti-jump shoot
- Spawn protection
- Ambient Mortars, Flaks
- Ambient Huey Helicopters
- Napalm Airstrike (for Allies)
- Player Speed handling
- Forfeit override function
- Anti-camping handling
- Anti-sprint on start handling
- Taunts per team (via quickmenu)
- Custom Battle Chatters per team
- Custom Voiceovers per team
- Custom Spawn music
- Sound occlusion handling
- Client Console handling
- Helmet popping option
- Music handling (spawn + in game)
- Anti-Lag, Gravity handling
- Radio playing in some Custom Maps
You can find the downloads for the game mode and client side files here.

Looks pretty good. Are you going to try it out?

Mi-am schimbat parerea despre lockerz!

Daca va uitati la articolele anterioare,puteti vedea,ca lockerz nu ma satisface deloc,adica,site-ul se misca greu,punctele nu se dau cand trebuie,si nu am pic de incredere,ca o sa primesc ce o sa cumpar!

Dar acum mi-am schimbat parerea! Site-ul merge normal,punctele se dau normal,si sunt o gramada de dovezi ca veti primi ce cumparati! Acum am aflat ca un prieten si-a luat la deschidere un iphone. Si daca vreti si mai multe dovezi,dati caute pe youtube asa: Lockerz Unboxing,si o sa gasiti video-uri cu oameni care desfac pachetele primite de la lockerz.Cu putin efort gasiti si Romani. Chestia este ca deocamdata nu puteti cumpara decat imagini pentru desktop,probabil refac stocul. Si va dau sansa sa faceti punctele necesare,pentru a cumpara ce doresti. Pana acum am 66 de puncte si sunt Z-lister.

Daca vreti invitatie lasati adresa de mail,si va trimit!

21 noiembrie 2009

Stire de ultima ora! Modern Warfare 3 anuntat!

Moduri noi de joc pentru MW2

Să ne aşteptăm la un DLC pentru
Modern Warfare 2? Bine-nţeles. Iată care ar fi explicaţia. Hackerii au descoperit patru moduri de joc secrete, ascunse în codul sursă al jocului. Nici un mod nu este terminat, iar trei dintre ele conţin "fix after ship", ceea ce ne duce cu gândul la un inevitabil DLC. Cele patru moduri sunt: Arena, Global Thermal Nuclear War, One Flag şi VIP.

The Witcher 2 - Inca un filmulet scapat printre degete!

Se pare că CD Projekt nu prea e în stare să-şi ascundă secretele, deoarece un nou filmuleţ care dezvăluie imagini din The Witcher 2 şi-a făcut apariţia pe net. Din păcate comentariul e în rusă, aşa
nu am înţeles ce bolborosea nenea ăla.

Google Chrome OS

Deci cei de la google s-au gandit sa scoata si ei un os. Numele acestuia fiind Google Chrome OS. Acest os este bazat in mare parte pe internet,adica,cam tot ce ruleaza pe el,ruleaza de pe internet. Nu este foarte customizabil,dupa cum puteti vedea in video-ul de mai sus,dar este facut pentru mini-laptops,ceea ce este un lucru bun.
Cam totul se bazeaza pe aspectul google chrome,o sa va simtiti tot timpul intr-un browser,pentru ca orice aplicatie ati deschide,are forma de browser!
Nu va imaginati ca puteti sa instalati orice aplicatie,si din cate am inteles eu nu prea puteti sa instalati.
Pentru ca acest os este bazat NUMAI pe internet! adica tot ce folositi va fi de pe internet!
Se asteapta sa fie lansat in 2010,deci mai avem de asteptat!

19 noiembrie 2009

Youtube Si Twitter nu fac bine creierului!

Mda,m-am documentat,si am aflat ca youtube,si twitter nu fac bine creierului. Motivul ar fi: Tinem minte informatii de care nu avem nevoie,cum este statusul de pe twitter,iar pe youtube,sunt acele mici filmulete de 5 minute.
Personal cred ca au dreptate,intrati pe youtube,uitati-va la 10 filmulete de 5 minute,si peste 2 saptamani incercati sa vi le aduceti aminte,fara sa le revedeti in acest timp. O sa ti le aduci aminte mai mult ca sigur.
Deci iti ocupa memorie,care bineinteles ca este pretioasa! Omul poate stoca o anumita cantitate de informatii! Nu avem memorie infinita asa ca ATENTIE!

Twitter ciudat...?!

Ok am vazut multa lume cu,conturi pe twitter. Si am zis ia sa vad si eu ce este cu acest site. Zis si facut,am intrat,m-am inregistrat,si mi-am accesat contul. Si nu prea aveam ce sa vad,decat un loc unde imi pot pune un status,ca cel de pe messenger,si un loc unde iti spune cati followers ai etc. Adica totusi care este ideea site-ului? Sa spun ce fac in acest moment? Sorry dar nu prea am timp sa scriu orice fac pe acel site,si nu cred ca este cineva care ar vrea sa stie ce fac eu... Ciudat site!

Uite asa creste blogul!

Ce sa vezi,cautam pe google,pret left 4 dead 2,si surpriza,blogul meu era al 3-lea rezultat! asta inseamna clar ca am crescut! La mai mare!

Black ti-am trimis invitatia!

Multumesc de comentarii,ti-am trimis invitatia,sper sa mai intri pe blog!

17 noiembrie 2009

Lockerz Sucks

Am tot auzit de acest "Lockerz" si pana la urma am vrut sa vad si eu ce este de capul acestui site. M-a invitat un prieten,m-am inregistrat,dupa 10 secunde,nu mai pot sa intru pe site pentru da fac upgrade si alte chestii. Ok intru in ziua urmatoare,deci site-ul se misca ingrozitor de greu! sincer am asteptat mai mult de 5 minute sa imi inter pe pagina principala!
Si alta porcarie: Sunt intrebari,care daca raspunzi le ele,ar trebui sa iti dea 2 puncte,dar bineinteles ca mie mi-a dat odata 2 si atat! Chiar daca am raspuns la 20 de intrebari cu 2 am ramas. Mi se pare stupid acest site!
Acolo ar trebui sa poti sa iti iei un premiu la alegere cu punctele de ex. Iphone cu 100 de puncte,bineinteles daca ar si merge bine site-ul!
Daca vrei sa vedeti ce este acolo,lasati adresa de mail,va dau eu invite,pentru ca nu va puteti inregistra decat cu invite!

Left 4 Dead 2 sau Modern Warfare 2?

Habar nu am ce sa aleg intre left 4 dead 2 si modern warfare 2,hmm ciudat,aveti voi vreo sugestie ceva?

S-a lansat Left 4 Dead 2!

Mda cu parere de rau ma uit la pret 39 de euro,si parca imi pare rau ca nu l-am cumparat,dar cine stie poate in viitor....

16 noiembrie 2009

Castiga cu Pyromanu'!

Ai sansa sa castigi unul din jocurile :

-Left 4 Dead
-Fallout 3
-The Sims 3
-Garry's mod
-Fallout 2

Ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a participa:

Va spuneti parerea,si de ce ar trebui sa castigati unu din jocurile de mai sus!


Adica va trebui sa trimiteti un euro la un anumit numar!

Ca sa va maresc sansele numarul maxim de participanti este 20!

Cum ma inscriu:
-Trimiteti un mail la adresa : internetworld23@gmail.com cu:
Numele adevarat:
Adresa ta de email:

Dupa ce ai facut asta,vei primi un mail inapoi de confirmare cu numarul la care trebuie sa trimiti 1 euro si informatii suplimentare!

Dupa ce ai trimis,vei primi un mail care iti spune ca ai platit suma,si ca poti sa trimiti parerea/etc. despre jocul dorit!


15 noiembrie 2009

Dragon Age: Origins este Gold

BioWare şi Electronic Arts ne anunţă că Dragon Age: Origins este gold şi va apărea pe PC, PS3 şi Xbox 360 în 3 noiembrie în Statele Unite şi în 5 noiembrie la noi. Ca să fie mai convingători, cei de la BioWare au publicat câteva trailere noi din joc:


All Versions of Dragon Age: Origins to be Available November 3

EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA – October 23, 2009 – Leading video game developer BioWare™, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS), announced today that the PlayStation®3 version of Dragon Age™: Origins will be available on November 3, 2009 in North America. The PlayStation 3, Xbox 360® and PC versions of the game have “gone gold” in North America and are currently in manufacturing ready for their November 3 launch date. At launch, Dragon Age: Origins will be available on all three platforms with several packs of downloadable content (DLC) including The Stone Prisoner, the Blood Dragon Armor and Warden’s Keep; each further enriching the gameplay experience.

“We’re excited to confirm that all three versions of Dragon Age: Origins will be available to fans on November 3 in North America,” said Ray Muzyka, Group General Manager, RPG/MMO Group of EA, and Co-Founder, BioWare. “The Dragon Age: Origins development team was able to polish the PlayStation 3 version to our high standard of quality and we are ready to deliver the richest and deepest role-playing fantasy experience across all three platforms.”

In anticipation of the game, players can begin their Dragon Age: Origins experience early by joining the BioWare Social Network - a destination to share in-game screenshots, review game data and share story information. Players can also download the free* to download Character Creator where players can create and customize a player character on the PC and then upload their character data and avatar to the BioWare Social Network before Dragon Age: Origins launches. The Dragon Age: Origins Character Creator will provide players with the tools to create a character with a nearly endless amount of options. Players can download the character creator and get more information on the BioWare Social Network by clicking here.

In Dragon Age: Origins, players take the role of a Grey Warden, one of the last of an ancient order of guardians. Now, as a rising evil threatens to destroy all life, it is up to players to unite the shattered lands and slay the corrupted dragon known as the Archdemon. To restore peace, players must make ruthless decisions and be willing to sacrifice their friends and loved ones for the greater good of mankind.

Dragon Age: Origins will be released on November 6th in Europe on the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system and PC. The European PlayStation®3 version will follow later in November. Dragon Age: Origins is rated M by the ESRB and 18+ by PEGI.

More information about Dragon Age: Origins and the pre-order and first purchase incentives can be found at www.dragonage.com . Follow us on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/Dragonage

Serious Sam HD: The First Encouter System Requirements

CDV a publicat cerinţele de sistem oficiale pentru Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, FPS ce urmează să apară în 19 noiembrie pe PC şi Xbox 360:


• CPU/Processor: Intel P4 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon64 3500+

• RAM: 1GB for XP or 2GB for Vista / HDD: min. 3.5 GB

• OS: Windows XP (32bit or 64bit) with Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista** with Service Pack 2

• Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card

• Graphics Card: 256MB VRAM Graphics Card that supports DirectX 9.0c with Shader Model 3.0 (i.e.; Nvidia GeForce 7600-series, ATI Radeon X1600 or better)*

DirectX: 9.0c


• CPU: Intel Core2Duo 2.0GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4000+

• RAM: 2 GB / HDD: min. 3.5 GB

• OS: Windows XP (32bit or 64bit) with Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista** with Service Pack 2

• Sound: 5.1 Surround Sound DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card

• Graphics Card: 512MB VRAM Graphics Card that supports DirectX 9.0c with Shader Model 3.0 (i.e.; Nvidia GeForce 9800-series, ATI Radeon HD 4850 or better)*

DirectX: 9.0c

Additional Info* Integrated video controllers (Intel Chipsets or similar) are not recommended or intended for gaming and may not work with this game. ** You will be required to install DirectX 9.0c to run the game. DirectX 9.0c is included with this copy of the game.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed System Requirements

LucasArts a publicat cerinţele de sistem pentru iminentul Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition. Între acestea descoperim că vom avea nevoie de 24 GB liberi pe HDD ca să instalăm jocul, restul fiind cerinţe normale pentru un titlu bazat pe o exploatare a fizicii. Asta e, Forţa să fie cu PC-urile noastre!

PC Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2. Windows 7

CPU Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2)

Memory: 2 GB RAM

Hard Disk Space: 23.8 GB + 1 GB Swap File

Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 256 MB Video Memory with Shader 3.0 support

Video Card (ATI): Radeon HD 2900

Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 8800

Media Required: 8X DVD-ROM drive

Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard or Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller

This product does not support Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT.

Recommended System Requirements

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core 5200+

512 MB 3D Hardware Accelerator Card

Video Card (ATI): Radeon HD 4870

Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 9800 GT

Memory: 2 GB RAM

NOTICE: Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipset listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX compatibility.

Supported Desktop Chipsets

ATI RADEON HD 2900, 3850, 3870, 4850, 4870

NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800, 9600, 9800, 260, 280

NOTICE: This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some disk and virtual disk drives.